Wednesday 12 June 2013

Indie Band Names: Misleading Band Names

I’ve always pictured a bands type of music by their band name, and I have never been right once!

Whenever I hear indie band names for the first time I always think whether I like the name of the band or not. For the ones I do like, I look them up and it always surprises me. There are always band names that throw you off and make you think something totally different. For Example, Band of Skulls, you would think this indie band is a heavy metal group because of the band name, but they are an indie rock group from United Kingdom whose influences are Jack White from the White Stripes. Some songs are really rockin’, while other songs are very slow and easy to listen to.

Here are two songs from their debut album ‘Baby Darling Doll Face Honey’, one being rockin’ and one being slower. Once I found this band they have easily become one of my favourites, in my top 10 for sure. They have a second album that came out in 2012 that is just as good as the first one, maybe even better!

Here is a link to the bands official website:

Band of Skulls lead singer Russell Marsden

Here is a list of band names I have always thought were interesting:
Broken Social Scene, The Airborne Toxic Event, Arcade Fire, Arctic Monkeys, Bloc Party, Fleet Foxes, Hot Hot Heat, Japandroids, Metric, My Morning Jacket, and Wintersleep.

What are some other misleading band names?

What are your favorite band names? Please share!

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